发布时间:2011-10-27 21:09:54    作者:    点击:[]
姓名 宋维业 性别


出生年月 1987.08  行政职务
学历 足球竞彩app研究生 学位 博士
专业技术职务及任导师情况 教授,博士足球竞彩app研究生导师
所足彩app在一级学科名称 机械工程
所足彩app在二级学科名称 机械电子工程




美国光学学会会员,视觉与眼科足球竞彩app研究协会会员,长期担任Journal of Biophotonics, Neurophotonics, Scientific Reports, Optics Express, Biomedical Optics Express等期刊审稿人。


2006-2010 吉林大学 微电子学 本科

2011-2016 吉林大学 物理电子学 博士

2016-2020 波士顿大学/波士顿医疗中心 博士后

2020-2021 哈佛大学/麻省总医院  博士后

2021-至今 足彩app,教授,博士生导师


1. 基于弱相干光学成像,光谱学分析等技术的光机电一体化医疗装备。

2. 内窥镜。

3. 医疗早期诊断、术中导航设备 。

4. 工业检测与质量控制,光学成像与机器视觉,光电检测设备。



1.W. Y. Song, A. Matlock, S. Fu, et al., "Led Array Reflectance Microscopy for Scattering-Based Multi-Contrast Imaging," Opt Lett 45, 1647-1650 (2020). (JCR Q1, IF = 3.866)

2. W. Y. Song, W. Shao, W. Yi, et al., " Visible Light Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography (Vis-OCTA) Facilitates Local Microvascular Oximetry in The Human Retina," Biomed Opt Express(2020). (JCR Q1, IF = 3.91)

3. W. Y. Song, L. Zhou, and J. Yi, "Volumetric Fluorescein Angiography (VFA) by Oblique Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscopy in Mouse Retina at 200 B-Scans Per Second," Biomed Opt Express 10, 4907-4918 (2019). (JCR Q1, IF = 3.91)

4. W. Y. Song, S. Fu, S. Song, et al., "Longitudinal Detection of Retinal Alterations by Visible And Near-Infrared Optical Coherence Tomography In A Dexamethasone-Induced Ocular Hypertension Mouse Model," Neurophotonics 6, 041103 (2019). (JCR Q1, IF = 3.581)

5. W. Y. Song, L. Zhou, S. Zhang, et al., "Fiber-based Visible and Near Infrared Optical Coherence Tomography (vnOCT) Enables Quantitative Elastic Light Scattering Spectroscopy in Human Retina," Biomed Opt Express 9, 3464-3480 (2018). (JCR Q1, IF = 3.91)

6. W. Y. Song #, L. Zhou #, K. L. Kot, et al., "Measurement of Flow-Mediated Dilation of Mouse Femoral Artery in vivo by Optical Coherence Tomography," J Biophotonics, e201800053 (2018). (JCR Q1, IF = 3.763)

7. W. Y. Song, L. Zhang, S. Ness, et al., "Wavelength-dependent Optical Properties of Melanosomes in Retinal Pigmented Epithelium and Their Changes with Melanin Bleaching: A Numerical Study," Biomed Opt Express 8, 3966-3980 (2017). (JCR Q1, IF = 3.91)

8. W. Y. Song#, L. B. Zhou#, and J. Yi, "Multimodal Volumetric Retinal Imaging by Oblique Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscopy (OSLO) and Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)," Jove-J Vis Exp (2018). (JCR Q3, IF = 1.325)

9. W. Y. Song, W. H. Di, and W. P. Qin, "Synthesis of Mesoporous-Silica-Coated Gd2O3:Eu@Silica Particles as Cell Imaging and Drug Delivery Agents," Dalton T 45, 7443-7449 (2016). (JCR Q1, IF=4.052)

10. W. Y. Song, X. Q. Bi, X. Y. Guo, et al., "Enhanced Red Upconversion Luminescence in Yb-Er Codoped NaYF4 Nanocrystals," J Nanosci Nanotechno 16, 3961-3964 (2016). (JCR Q3, IF=1.354)

11. W. Y. Song, X. Y. Guo, G. H. He, et al., "Ultraviolet Upconversion Emissions of Gd3+ in beta-NaLuF4:Yb3+,Tm3+,Gd3+ Nanocrystals," J Nanosci Nanotechno 14, 3722-3725 (2014). (JCR Q3, IF=1.354)

12. X. Li, S. Yin, W. Y. Song*, X. Y. Guo*, "Synthesis and Characterization of Upconversion Fluorescence of LiLuF4: Er3+ and LiLuF4:Yb3+, Er3+ Pumped by 1560 nm Laser," New Journal of Chemistry (2020). (JCR Q2, IF=3.069)

13. L. Zhang#, W. Y. Song#, D. Shao, et al., "Volumetric Fluorescence Retinal Imaging In Vivo Over A 30-Degree Field Of View By Oblique Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscopy (OSLO)," Biomed Opt Express 9, 25 (2017). (JCR Q1, IF = 3.91)

# Equal contribution

*Corresponding author


1. "Visible light optical coherence tomography angiography (vis-OCTA) in human retina for small vessel blood oxygenation", SPIE Photonics West,2020

2. " Visible and near-infrared optical coherence tomography (vnOCT) on peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer in glaucoma suspect, pre-perimetric and perimetric glaucoma", ARVO,2020

3. " Wide-field visible light optical coherence tomography (WF-vis-OCT) for human retinal imaging with axial-tracking and dynamic focusing ", Imaging in the Eye Conference,2020

4. "Fiber-based visible and near infrared optical coherence tomography (vnOCT) enables quantitative elastic light scattering spectroscopy in human", SPIE Photonics West,2019

5. "Measurement of Flow-Mediated Dilation of Mouse Femoral Artery in vivo by Optical Coherence Tomography", SPIE Photonics West,2018


1. 一种大容量连续注射系统及其控制方法。CN104906658B.

2. “Systems and methods for fiber-based visible and near infrared optical coherence tomography”, June 6, 2019, 701586-092580USPT.


1. 电子设计方面

2009年 全国大学生电子设计竞赛国家二等奖

2014年 中国航天科技集团“时代民芯”杯全国电子设计一等奖

2013年 中国航天科技集团“时代民芯”杯全国电子设计大赛二等奖

2008年 全国大学生电子设计竞赛吉林省一等奖

2009年 全国大学生电子设计竞赛吉林省一等奖

2009年 吉林大学电子设计大赛一等奖

2008年 吉林大学电子设计大赛一等奖

2007年 吉林大学电子设计大赛二等奖

2. 科技创新创业方面

2015年 中国专项创业大赛决赛选手奖

2014年 中国创新创业大赛吉林省一等奖

2014年 中国青年科技创新创业大赛金奖

2014年 长春市青年科技创新创业大赛二等奖

3. 媒体报道情况

“把一个很酷的创意变为现实,很幸福” 《足彩预测》

创新创业大赛夺冠获20万扶持资金—宋维业的创业故事  《足彩比分》

“我喜欢挑战”-宋维业的创业故事  《足彩比分》

实施就业创业工程,足彩app在创业中感受幸福  长春电视台






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